We have prepared a bonus program for you thanks to which you save money with each order.
All information about the Bonus club
On-line PneuB2B platform
modern concept of wholesale of tyres, rims and accessories
Our company brings technical innovation to the operational and commercial spheres of the tyre industry in the Czech republic and Slovakia. Our products are tools and information for sellers working in the tyre industry and aftermarket. After several years of seeking, creating and implementing of ideas, we have devised a system that since 2011 has gradually become a daily part and stable value for many sellers. We believe that the best business is done only in a competitive environment using online solutions that accelerate and simplify workflow. Our work supports the operational efficiency of different sellers.

PneuB2B online

468 216
Kusů skladem
23 753 774
Mission and Philosophy
By providing advanced technical support and services to simplify the work of your company that leads to a healthy and prosperous sales operations. The consequence of a healthy operation means more time to deepen the sellers´ expertise and professionalism of their services.

Our ambition is to be a significant long-term sellers´ partner. We consider the end consumer as the customer of our customers so that we do behave accordingly.
Team PneuB2B|   Drop by us, we will be glad to welcome you
We present to you a young professional team focused on increasing productivity, simplifing processes, saving money and improving the efficiency of daily work at points of sale. All our activities are based on the belief that modern technology is our important ally. We build for you a clear site, we make your professional life simpler, and it allows us to work with even greater joy.
Why PneuB2B?
Our services help our customers to manage their businesses profitably, adapt them continuously to the market conditions and achieve a stable growth in a constantly changing environment. Thanks to the secure online system we save your time, energy and finances. We've eliminated the language barrier and simplified communication between many suppliers in the European market. Thus we have significantly improved the collaboration between the two camps - suppliers and customers.
The system is safe and registered
together with developers in the Czech Republic

We focus on the new trends. We provide our customers with comprehensive solutions in the most current version. We stand alongside a large number of business partners who want to take the progressive trade path using modern tools. We always adapt our products to your needs and your ideas through developing new solutions.
Life in the company
Discover the use of PneuB2B products now and for free.
We will reward you with CZK 2,000 bonus to your account (roughly 70 EUR) as a way of saying thank you for sharing your experience with other tyre vendors.